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© Copyright Biotech srl 2022


Effective Solutions for Industrial Washing

At the base of our Products: Scientific Research and Nature

Our detergents for industrial washing are all based on the alliance between Science and Nature. Continuous research in the biotechnology sector has led us to create washing solutions that preserve the Environment, Safety and Health.


It is from the natural process of hydrolysis of particular marine algae, combined with diversified organic compounds, that we obtain the alginates at the base of our products: water-based detergents particularly suitable for cleaning large and minute components made of metal or plastic.


All products are coded, (un) classified and certified.


Biotech has always studied each customer’s individual needs: realizing the creative and research component that distinguishes it, our Company frequently creates new customized and specific formulations for every type of need and material.

Biotech’s Products characteristics

Biotech’s organic detergents come in liquid form, slightly soapy to the touch, odourless and with a variable colour depending on the batch and the product.


Our water-based products do not require special precautions for storage, handling and manipulation and have high durability. They can be used in all types of existing systems (both low pressure and high-pressure ones) and on all types of metals and plastics.


They do not require hazard labelling or risk phrases: in fact, they have no implications on safety and health factors and minimize the risk deriving from their use, both for the Customer and for the final Operators.

Completely Natural


Highly Efficient

Without Special Precautions for Use

Not Toxic

Not Harmful


Not Flammable

Our Technology

Biotech’s products consist of blends of natural extracts derived from marine algae and plants and can be used in any type of washing system: SPRAY (low and high pressure), ULTRASOUND, HYDROKINETIC, COMBINED.


The purpose of Biotech is not simply the replacement of a synthetic Chemical product with a more performing Biological one, but to make a real change in technology, which is positively realized if an effective collaboration is established with the Customer’s Company.


Biotech’s commitment is to provide its Customers with the best biotechnology on the market to exploit and optimize the infinite possible applications of its products.

Discover the Benefits of Our Biological Detergents

There are many advantages that Biotech’s industrial washing solutions offer their users.
Find out what they are and what they can do for your Company.

Go to the Benefits Section