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© Copyright Biotech srl 2022

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Carbon-based Alloys (Steels)

Carbon-based Alloys (Cast Irons)

Aluminium and Aluminic Alloys

Yellow Alloys

(Brass, …)

Plastics and other Materials

Carbon-based Alloys (Steels)

Biotech’s products for Steel, generally alkaline, are diversified according to the processing phase of the material and the type of pollutant to be removed.

We intervene in interactions where the washing quality requested by the Customer is not high, up to the final washing, before assembly, shipping, heat treatment, nitriding, coating, etc. where decontamination must be almost total.

Particular attention in the formulations to the components for oxidation protection with the guarantee of high performance without implications on the environment and safety (safety data sheets free from symbols of danger and risk).

Carboni-based Alloys (Cast Irons)

Biotech products for cast iron, generally alkaline, are diversified according to the processing phase of the material and the type of pollutant to be removed.

We intervene in interactions where the washing quality requested by the customer is not high, up to the final washing, before assembly, painting, shipping, etc. where decontamination must be almost total.

Particular attention in the formulations to the components for oxidation protection with the guarantee of high performance without implications on the environment and safety (safety data sheets free from symbols of danger and risk).

Aluminium and Aluminic Alloys

Biotech products for aluminum, from neutral to alkaline, are diversified according to the alloy to be treated and the type of pollutant to be removed.

Our formulations do not have components that can attack and damage the materials, therefore products for aluminum do not require additional buffering agents to protect the surfaces.

We intervene in interactions where the washing quality requested by the customer is not high, both in the final washes, before assembly, shipping, surface treatments, etc. where decontamination must be almost total, up to high pressure washing (100-300 bar) without foam formation.

Yellow Alloys (Brass…)

Biotech’s products for Yellow Alloys can be acidic, neutral or basic and are diversified according to the type of pollutant to be removed.

Our formulations have no components that can attack and damage the materials, therefore the brass products do not require additional buffering agents to protect the surfaces.


Particular attention in the formulations to the components for oxidation protection with the guarantee of high performance.

Plastics and other Materials

Biotech’s products are also used for washing other materials such as Titanium, Magnesium, Zamac, Ceramic, Plastics, etc. and are diversified according to the material and the type of pollutant to be removed.